Friday, March 20, 2009

84 Degrees

So I am loving the weather. It's nice and bright and beautiful outside and I can roll down my window and feel the sunshine on my arm and it makes me want to go to the park and have a nice picnic with my husband and put our new kitty on a leash (because I'm sure she would love that....) and let her run around in the grass and have some good old fashioned kitty fun and be one happy little family. Now I know what you’re thinking, no cat would enjoy that... and you’re probably right. In some way my kitty has unfortunately become my substitute for a cute, sweet, and cuddly little baby because well… it’s simple really. I'm ready for a baby but shouldn't be and my hubby isn't ready because he is being the rational one in this whole situation. Which I guess one of has to be. I mean it’s not his fault I’ve been baby crazy now for about 3 years because it’s seems like every time I turn around one of my friends or my own mother for gosh sakes is having a baby. As Jenelle would say... “what the H!”

Anyhoo back to my point. Yes I love the weather but right now I am HATING it. Right now it is 84 degrees in my office. It’s hot and I feel sticky and my boss is well… let’s just call him frugal. I say it’s hot and he say’s “Well you’re not turning on the air so open the door.” Which I get I guess. I mean it is only March and seems too early to turn on the air but its 84 frick fracking degrees in here!! So me being the sneaky one that I am, I turn it on when he is gone. Except wouldn’t you know with my luck that all 6’ 9” of him comes walking through that door the moment I do it. I had to turn it off. So I am sitting here, hot with my eyelids drooping because it’s warm and it’s making me sleepy and my legs are sticking to my leather chair. But my boss just left so I let him know that if I fall asleep I can not be held responsible for my actions and that I hope he enjoys his nice cool air conditioning in his car. Now now… don’t be worried, we have that kind of relationship where he is a smart well you know and then I am one back. It’s great really. Anyways he just smiled and said he would and that maybe I should consider getting a fan and walked right on out. 1 point boss man 0 for Jessi.

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